COVID 19 message
Hi Everyone,
With the negative effects the corona virus is having on everybody both inside and outside of the prison system Inside Workout CIC is determined to do as much as possible to help inmates and their loved ones to maintain fitness, improve health and manage their wellbeing.
Head over to our new Downloads page where you can access all the new content we are putting together for inmates including our regular magazine, workout sheets and ebooks on positive thinking, bodyweight exercises and more.
As always feel free to contact us directly if there is anything specific you need help with, if we cant help we will try to find someone that can
Stay strong, stay safe
Inside Workout is a free fitness and wellbeing magazine specifically designed for prison inmates, featuring articles on exercise, nutrition and mental wellbeing. The magazine also features interviews with ex offenders who have used exercise/sports to turn their lives around and have a positive impact on society
The UK has, on average 110,000 people serving a custodial sentence at any one time, with the average target for each prisons physical education department set at around 50%, that's over fifty thousand prisoners partaking in some form of physical exercise each week.
The aim of the magazine is to encourage these inmates to focus their energies on positive self improvement and, through interviews and stories, show them how people who have been in a similar position to themselves have used a healthy lifestyle to create positive changes within themselves and society
Short term the magazine will provide useful information on how to live a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally, with features on how to cope with life whilst in prison, keeping connected/re-connecting with loved ones whilst away from home and realistic nutritional advice based on the limited options available
The magazine is also a great resource for inmates enrolled in the various physical education courses available through the prison system.
Long term the profits from INSIDE WORKOUT will be reinvested into improving the lives and employability of inmates upon release by funding placements on courses within the fitness industry.